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Billionaire Manoj Bhargava. Gives Away 99% Of His Fortune To Save The World The owner and founder of 5-hour ENERGY. He’s also giving away 99 percent of his fortune in an effort to try to save the world, one project at a time. Currently, he is concentrating on three areas: water, energy and health. His plan of attack is to deliver products which directly impact humanity on a large-scale, to make a difference in the lives of billions and“not just talk about it.” And his work is never quite done. In the film Billions in Change, you’ll see what projects he’s working on, including the Rain Maker, Free Electric and Renew. The Billions in Change movement aims to build a better future for people across the world by delivering innovative solutions that addresses issues such as water deprivation, energy sustainability and disease prevention to directly impact humanity. Relatively simple technologies that have already been developed are available to alleviate these issues, but they are not being used due to a lack of awareness. We are so close to providing these innovations to those who need it the most, but in order to do so— the first step is for the world to know about them. That brings us back to you. The movement doesn’t need your money, but it does require your voice. By telling your friends and social networks about these readily available solutions that can address some of the world’s most urgent problems, you bring us that much closer making our vision a reality. When enough voices join this groundswell, we’re confident that policy makers and elected officials will take notice.






Free Cell Phone - Government Benefit Program Get a Free cellphone via the excellent Lifeline Government Benefit Program! It is a limited time offer for new customers, who will receive a free cell phone with unlimited texts, 500 Free minutes for four months and 350 frees minutes monthly. No monthly bills, no contract and no credit check! Lifeline is a federal government benefit program that provides free mobile phone service to income-eligible residents. To quality, income must be at a certain level, or the user must already participate in another state or federal assistance program such as SSI, Medicaid, Food Stampls, Section 8, or others. Up to 35% of Americans may be qualified!



O que é o Crowd Funding? Crowd = Colectivo 
Funding = 
Financiamento colectivo. Imagine: você tem uma ideia fantástica para a sua empresa futura, ou um projecto (de sonho). Mas falta-lhe o dinheiro para dar forma às suas ideias. Onde vai buscar o dinheiro para começar? Não é possível encontrar um investidor, e os bancos não estão a dar empréstimos. Fim da história? Não! Durante os últimos anos, surgiu um novo tipo de financiamento, com o nome de “crowdfunding”. Traduzido livremente: um grupo de pessoas efectua doações de dinheiro num conceito (de empresa).






Kiva é uma organização que permite o empréstimo de pequenas quantidades, os Micro Créditos, através da Internet para pequenos negócios ou iniciativas no chamado Terceiro mundo. Wikipédia Ativos: 11,57 milhões USD (2010).




ORGANIC INDIA was formed in the 1990's by a small group of people from different parts of the world who met in Lucknow, a town in northern India, where they had traveled to meet a teacher named Sri H.W.L. Poonja, or Papaji as he was called by many. Drawn to India in search of truth and self-realization, they found their way to Lucknow upon hearing of the simple teachings of Papaji: "Keep Quiet. The eternal truth exists within you. Do not entertain a single thought and the truth will reveal itself to itself."

ORGANIC INDIA works with thousands of family farmers in India, cultivating tens of thousands of acres of farmland that has been 3rd party certified organic through funding from ORGANIC INDIA. The farmers are commissioned to grow organic crops under their guidance, which ORGANIC INDIA then purchases from them at a premium market price. ORGANIC INDIA also works with local tribes-people in India who ethically wildcraft herbs on 592,000 acres of forest that ORGANIC INDIA has converted to USDA certified organic.

Currently, ORGANIC INDIA markets certified organic, biodynamic, and ethically wildcrafted products throughout India, the United States, Israel, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Japan and Australia.





















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TiendAnimal, a loja online para todos os animais de estimação número Um de Espanha e Portugal.



For the month of April DBH will plant a tree for every tee sold from the Eco Collection
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